
Nettex is ready to use full functional ASP.NET MVC web application.


Nettex is beautiful open source ASP.NET MVC theme based on Bootstrap 4 UI Kit. The UI Kit comes with a lot of beautiful complete pages and includes reusable and customizable nettex components.

Nettex is maintained by NeptuneWeb team. Do not miss any updates and announcements, stay tuned on our social pages:

What’s Included

The download package includes .zip folder, please unzip the compressed folder and you’ll find the following directories and files including all raw source files:


Admin panel inside of Areas section.

Used Technologies

We have a streamline work process that defines business growth. Nettex is using microsoft technologies


Nettex written with ASP.NET MVC5. Also .NET Core version will come later.

MS SQL Server

Nettex is using MS SQL Server for the database.

Entity Framework

Nettex written with Entity Framework and also ready to use migrations.

Bootstrap 4

Nettex frontend is using bootstrap 4.


We have a streamline work process that defines business growth. Nettex is using microsoft technologies

Admin Panel

Nettex has manage panel, you can easly manage your posts, portfolios, jobs and many more.

Ready To Use Components

Nettex has ready to use custom and bootstrap components. You can create components with fluent methods.

Fluent Methods

It is very easy to create footers, headers or components with fluent methods as you see at above.

File Manager

Nettex has manage panel, you can easly manage your posts, portfolios, jobs and many more.

Rich Text Editor

Nettex has manage panel, you can easly manage your posts, portfolios, jobs and many more.

Unlimited Setting

Nettex has manage panel, you can easly manage your posts, portfolios, jobs and many more.


Start with this basic HTML starter template, or modify any included layout pages. Be sure to have your pages set up with the latest design and development standards. That means using an HTML5 doctype and including a viewport meta tag for proper responsive behaviors. Put it all together and your pages should look like this:

Name URL
Visual Studio 2015+
MS SQL Server 2012+


ASP.NET MVC comes with visual studio.